So Much Better (I Yield) by Legacy Nashville, Gracie Binion

Song Lyrics

So Much Better (I Yield)
by Legacy Nashville, Gracie Binion

Album: God Is Here - Live

Verse 1
I've got a longing it's holy and real
Lord you are willing and ready to fill
So I run to you, I run to you
I've wasted money and I've wasted time
Drinking from fountains that just left me dry
So I run to you, I run to you

Chorus 1
Jesus, the only one who satisfies
Jesus, the only who holds my life
Jesus, You're so much better
You're so much better than life

Verse 2
Here on the altar I lay myself down
My gifts and my treasures and all of my crowns
Cause I just want You, I just want You
You waited to turn the water to wine
Didn't want a blessing outside of Your time
Oh I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you

Bridge 1
To Your wisdom
To Your vision
To Your will
I yield
To Your timing
I'm aligning
To Your will
I yield

Bridge 2
What You're doing
How You're moving
I'll be still
I yield
What You're doing
How You're moving
I'll be still
I yield

Bridge 3
To Your powers
To Your presence
To Your glory
I yield

To Your timing
I'm aligning
To Your Fire
I yield

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